Friday, February 15, 2013

When Life Hands You Lemons???

The venerable "they" always say 'When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.' What "they" forget to tell you is without the sugar (or in the case of a lifetime pageant gal, Splenda), the lemonade that is made will be quite bitter indeed!  Another long time pageant gal and I learned this lesson the hard way this past week.  We gave in to the white noise and allowed ourselves to drop to a level that neither of us ever should have.  Unfortunately, this happened on a very public level and the far reaching ramifications are yet to be seen.  All I/we can do at this juncture is learn from our mistakes, apologize to all affected by our childishness and move forward having learned an incredibly valuable lesson!  Yes, at least in my case, you can in fact teach an old dog new tricks!!!  ;-)  I am quite happy to say, however, that for at least me even though the experience was pretty horrid I am viewing it as pretty wonderful!  I learned some things about myself that can only make me a better woman and an even better title holder.  I am only human and perfection may be a loose goal but is always accepted as not being an attainable one.  I wouldn't want to ever think I was perfect as it is our imperfections that make us the complete individuals that we are.  Each day, in every way, I learn to not only embrace my imperfections, but celebrate them and any experience, whether negative or positive, that I can learn from!  Thank you to all of you for your never ending love and support!  It is because of you all and your kindnesses that I can climb back out of any moment of darkness into the bright and shining light!  Much love to you!!!

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